Please pre-register your interest in the next LINCS CMap Workshop Series (expected Summer 2019)
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Registration closed for December 2018.
We are no longer accepting applications for our December 2018 workshop, but we will be continuing this series of training sessions and are planning to launch another event next year. Please complete this form to register your interest in our next event, and we will contact you with more information as we finalize our plans. In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about CMap or collaborating with us, please reach out to us at or connect with our team during our weekly office hours.
Please enter your first and last name. *
Please enter your email address. *
Are you a researcher from an Academic/non-profit or from Industry? *
What is your institutional affiliation? *
What is your primary research role?
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What is your academic training? *
Community involvement is a key part of determining our workshop agendas. What are some topics you'd like to learn more about in future workshops?
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