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Mālama Kaua‘i Volunteer Applications
Mahalo nui for your interest in volunteering to help make Kauaʻi a more sustainable and resilient environment and economy. There a variety of volunteer positions available so please let us know which one you are most interested in. We love our volunteers and the network they create to further expand our shared vision of increasing access to local foods.
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Complete Physical Address
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Please be sure to visit LINK to review volunteer descriptions. After reading about the available volunteer positions, which roles are you interested in?
CSA Delivery Driver
CSA Host
Marketing & Outreach
Other (tell us if you have special skills you're willing to offer for specific future projects)
Tell us a little about yourself! Why are you interested in volunteering? Where else have you volunteered? What other areas interest you, or skills would you like to use in service to the island?
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Please share your availability (days/times/locations) as it relates to the selected position.
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Are you able to pass a background check?
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