A Quaker Center call for program proposals for 2024 and beyond The Ben Lomond Quaker Center is accepting program proposals for 2024 and beyond.

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The Ben Lomond Quaker Center is accepting program proposals for 2024 and beyond.
Quaker Center seeks to nurture the spiritual growth and faithfulness of Friends and others, while strengthening Quakerism and its witness in the world. We offer programs and personal retreats exemplifying Friends’ testimonies of community, integrity, simplicity, peace, and equality. We strive to live in right order with all creation, especially with the redwood forest that sustains us here in the Santa Cruz mountains.

Full name, preferred name, and contact information *
Let us know the best ways to reach you.
Hence, we are seeking Friends who are led to share their insights into
• Spiritual practice, growth, and faithfulness.
• Strengthening and enriching Quakerism and its witness in the world.
• Exemplifying Friends' testimonies.
• Climate change & living in right order with creation
• Social & Racial Justice & Healing

Programs utilizing a mix of modes (such as: journaling, discussion, worship, the arts,group lectures,
small groups, queries, interaction with nature, etc.) are encouraged.

Those program proposals which offer insights into developing and nurturing an effective and
radical Quaker witness in the face of contemporary challenges will be given special attention.

In-person weekend retreats draw between 15 and 30 participants.
We occasionally hold five-day programs (three full days).
We offer honoraria as an expression of gratitude for the gifts of ministry and time that this work
demands. Travel fares are reimbursed up to a mutually determined limit.
Online program series: We also hold 4, 5 or 6-session series, with weekly sessions held over about a month.
Name(s) and Contact Information (including email) of leader(s) and an elder (if you wish):
• Proposed title.
• Overview of program.
• Preferred month(s) to hold program in the coming year.
Proposed Title of Program
Overview of Program (25-35 words)
Preferred Months to hold program in the coming year (check all that apply)
Jan - Feb
March - April
May - June
July - Aug
Sept - Oct
Nov - Dec
What leads you to offer this program?
Who would benefit from your program, and what should they expect to learn or experience?
How would this program potentially teach and transform the participants?
What activities would be involved?
If you have comments or questions...
If you have any comments or questions, please let us know below and/or send us an email directly to nico@quakercenter.org
Don't forget to hit 'submit' below!

Thank you for your interest and for you time!
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