Transfer of Membership to UMC Roll
You have chosen to remain a member of the United Methodist Church after your local church has closed or disaffiliated. This form will ensure that your membership in the UMC is maintained as you discern your next faithful step. Once you find a local church, you may contact the conference office and the conference staff will provide a letter to transfer your membership to that congregation. Please contact if you have questions.  
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Email *
First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Primary Phone *
Mailing Address (house number and street) *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Date of Birth *
Date You Joined Your Current Church (if known)
Current Church Name *
United Methodist District of Current Church *
Pastor of Current Church *
Street Address or PO Box of Current Church  *
Current Church City  *
Current Church State  *
Current Church Zip Code  *
If applicable: Please list the new faith community you wish to affiliate with as a congregation member. Once the congregation charters, membership will automatically transfer to the newly chartered church. 
I am a  *
By completing this form, I understand that I am giving the Virginia Annual Conference and its representitives permission to contact me regarding my membership or to share information with me about how I can further my discipleship.  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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