A2(Flyers)  Test 2
State 4
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Read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.

Maria's starts school

My name is Pedro and my sister's name is Maria. Monday was the first day of school after the holidays, so we got up at seven o'clock. We put our new books into our school bags and I had breakfast. Maria couldn't eat any food because she was worried about starting school. I said, 'Don't be afraid, Maria, you will like going to school.' Maria smiles and held my hand.

The bus came early so we had to run to catch it. On the bus, we sat down and put our school bags on the floor. The bus started suddenly, and everything fell out of our school bags! There was a woman behind us, and she picked up one of our books. She read Maria's name on the front of it and then she smiled. She said, 'Hello, Maria, I'm your new teacher. My name's Mrs Lester.' We were very surprised. Mrs Lester asked some more questions, and then in a few minutes, we arrived at school. Mrs Lester said. 'I'll see you in class, Maria,' and Maria smiled a big smile. I asked Maria, 'Are you feeling worried now?' and she laughed and said, ' No! But there's just one problem - I'm hungry~ Where's the school snack shop?'

I think that Maria will be happy at our school.


Maria is Pedro's sister. Pedro and Maria got up at seven o'clock because it was the first day of school.

1. The children put their (..........) in their school bags.
2 points
2. Maria felt (...........) school, so she didn't have anything for breakfast.
2 points
3. Maria and Pedro had to run because the bus (..........).
2 points
4. When the bus (..........), everything fell out of the children's school bags.
2 points
5. The woman on the bus (..........) Maria's book and then read the front of it.
2 points
6. Maria's new teacher is called (..........).
2 points
7. Maria was hungry so she wanted to find the school's (..........).
2 points
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