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NCIS 2024/2025 Registration Form
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Student #1 Name
Your answer
Student #1 Date of Birth
Medical Conditions or Allergies
Your answer
Student #2 Name
Your answer
Student #2 Date of Birth
Medical Conditions or Allergies
Your answer
Primary Parent/Gaurdian Name
Your answer
Primary Parent/Gaurdian Contact Number
Your answer
Other Parent/Guardian Name
Your answer
Other Parent/Guardian Contact Number
Your answer
Preferred E-mail Address
Your answer
Emergency Contact Name
Your answer
Emergency Contact Number
Your answer
All classes are virtual. The fee for the school year (approximately 30 classes) is $340 per child. Classes will begin Sunday, September 8, 2024. Please note that space is limited and early registration is highly recommended. payment should be made payable to Noor Cultural Centre via e-transfer. Once a child is registered, e-transfer instructions will be provided. Please complete the registration form prior to September 8th including payment. Registration forms and payment must be received in order for your child to be ensured a placement. Please check one of the following options for payment
Please be sure your child has a Quran they are comfortable reading from, paper and a pencil when needed. No other materials required unless discussed in class.
One payment due by Sept. 8, 2024 for $340 per child
Comments or Special Instructions
Your answer
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