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Sugestões - Voluntariado /
Suggestions - Volunteering
Sustentabilidade na NOVA FCSH / Sustainability at NOVA FCSH
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Nome completo /
Full name
Your answer
Curso /
Indique-nos o curso que frequenta. /
Please indicate the course you are attending.
Your answer
O que gostaria de ver implementado na NOVA FCSH relativamente à Sustentabilidade? /
What would you like to see implemented at NOVA FCSH regarding Sustainability?
Partilhe connosco a sua ideia! / Share your idea with us!
Your answer
Gostaria de participar nos eventos de Sustentabilidade da NOVA FCSH? / Would you like to participate in the
Sustainability events at NOVA FCSH?
Seja voluntário! / Be a volunteer!
Sim / Yes
Não / No
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