Customer Survey
The Oak Lodge Water Services Board of Directors (Board) is seeking to reorganize the District as a Joint Water & Sanitary Authority. A Joint Water & Sanitary Authority is a type of “special district” under Oregon law that would solidify the OLWS boundary area (Oak Grove, Jennings Lodge, as well as parts of Milwaukie and Gladstone). The change will not affect the services you receive or the rate making process, which will continue to be based on cost-of-service.

Use our online form below to submit questions about the reorganization.

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Do you have questions about why the Oak Lodge Water Services Board of Directors is asking to reorganize as a Joint Water & Sanitary Authority?
Is there additional information you would like Oak Lodge Water Services to provide about its reorganization as a Joint Water & Sanitary Authority?
Do you plan to attend or have attended one of the Community Conversations?
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Thank you for taking the survey. We look forward to connecting with you at the Community Conversations. If you're unable to attend the Community Conversations recording will also be posted on the District's website, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Additional questions or comments? Please email Alexa Morris, Outreach and Communications Specialist at
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