Bakery Order Request
After you fill out this order request, we will contact you to go over details and availability before the order is completed. This form is not confirming your order. If you would like faster service and direct information on custom bakery orders please contact us at 216-973-3848 or To inquire about what is currently in the bakery case call the cafe at 216-221-0201.
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When are you looking to pick up your bakery order?
We cannot accept orders in 48 hrs or less. We are closed Mondays. We suggest ordering 2+ weeks prior for best chance of availability.
What is the item/items you would like to order? *
Please note we do require a minimum order for certain bakery items. Cupcake minimum is 12 per flavor. 
Please list any allergies
Our facility is free of dairy, eggs, butter & honey. We try our best to avoid cross contamination however we do have gluten, soy and nuts on site.
Contact info
First & Last Name *
Phone Number *
E-mail Address *
Preferred contact method *
Any additional info you can provide (writing on cake/ cake design/ etc.)
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