Taenga Bay Employee Application
Employee Application Form
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Please confirm you are 18 years of age or older in RL: *
Please Note, if under the age of 18 in RL, your application will be denied. Failure to answer honestly about your age in RL in regards to adult sims is a violation of TOS and if at any time it is discovered an employee is under the age of 18 in RL their employment will be terminated.**
What is your SL name? (not your display name but the name you can be searched by) *
What is your display name and or your preferred name? *
What role are you applying for? *
Please describe your previous work experience: *
What social media do you use (example - Discord, Instagram etc?) Please list all you use for second life.
Please list all your social media names and for which application for example: ( @username - Instagram)
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