Dear One,
The Shepherd Trust is a retirement product uniquely designed for the clergy. The purpose is to give the opportunity to the clergy to invest for their retirement in a safe financial environment.

Research has shown that all over the world, most clergymen and women retire on lower incomes. This is largely because most often, the church forgets them when they are no longer behind the pulpit. To provide a solution to this, PenTrust, a pension trustee company licensed by the National Pension Regulatory Authority has introduced the Shepherd Trust retirement product to meet the unique retirement needs of the clergy.

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1. First Name *
2. Surname *
3. Phone number *
4. Email address
5. ID Type
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6. ID Number
7. Residential address
8. City/town
9. Region
10. Date of Birth
11. Place of birth
12. Name of Church
13. Next of Kin
14.Next of kin Phone number
15a. Name  of Beneficiary 1
15b. Date of Birth of Beneficiary 1
15c. Phone number of Beneficiary 1
15d. Percentage of benefits to beneficiary 1
16a. Name  of beneficiary 2
16b. Date of Birth of Beneficiary 2
16c. Phone number of Beneficiary 2
16d. Percentage of benefits to beneficiary 2
17a. Name  of beneficiary 3
17b. Date of Birth of Beneficiary 3
17c. Phone number of Beneficiary 3
17d. Percentage of benefits to beneficiary 3
18a. Name  of beneficiary 4
18b. Date of Birth of Beneficiary 4
18c. Phone number of Beneficiary 4
18d. Percentage of benefits to beneficiary 4
19. Choose Mode of payment
20. Indicate Minimum contributions not less than 100 cedis
Terms and Conditions Section 109(2) of the Pensions Act 766 amended as 883 requires two accounts to be opened for personal pension schemes, savings account, and retirement account. 50% of your contributions will go to your savings account while the other 50% will be in your retirement account. Withdrawal is allowed in the savings account after 5 years of contributions. Contributions in the retirement account shall only be paid on the retirement of the contributor or after 10 years of contributions. Please note that pension investments do not offer guaranteed returns and therefore returns can change depending on market factors.Signature/Submit/accept  By clicking accept/submit, I accept all the terms in the forms completed
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