Membership Interest Form
Greetings! Thank you so much for your interest in membership at Faith Community Church! The aim here at Faith Community Church is to be a church that is true to the Scriptures. We believe that being a member of the local church is a vitally important part of the life of a Christian. We believe that each member should know what it means to be a member of the local church including the responsibilities of a member of the local church. Also, when a Christian joins the local church they are to be a part of the family of God at that particular local church. This form is an aim to get to know some important information about you before you join the church. Please fill out these answers with great detail and honesty!
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What is your name?

Please fill out an individual form for each person planning to join the church. For children, they must be a professing believer to join the church. We can talk through details with each specific case. The parent can fill out the form for their child. 
How long have you been attending Faith Community Church? *
What interests you about becoming a member of Faith Community Church? *
Tell us about your past with church. Have you attended somewhere else in the past? Are you a member at another church currently? If so, what church? If we were to contact that church, would they give a good recommendation to us concerning your interest to join our church? *
Why are you leaving the previous church you attended or were a member at? *
Is there anything that would make us be cautious of you becoming a member here at Faith Community Church? Have you ever been involved in any illegal activity that we should be aware of? Are there any pertinent sins that have been in your life before or after you became a Christian? Have you ever been personally involved in a church discipline case at any previous church? *
Share with us about your relationship with Christ. When did you become a Christian? How did you become a Christian? *
If you were to explain the gospel to someone in 60 seconds, what would you say? *
Have you been baptized? If so, when? Were you baptized by full immersion? *
Thank you for filling out this form! This form is simply a helpful tool we use to get to know people. The elders will review these questions and we will likely have these same conversations in person soon! Thank you, again, for your interest in becoming a member of Faith Community Church!

Do you have any questions for the elders of Faith Community Church?
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