Volunteer Form - Chicago Steampunk Exposition 2023
The Chicago Steampunk Exposition is accepting applications for volunteer work at the convention.

In appreciation of 12 or more hours of volunteer work at the Chicago Steampunk Exposition, we can offer volunteers a full weekend badge for the convention.

Applying to volunteer places you in our Volunteer Pool which we will draw from based on available opportunities; unfortunately we can not guarantee a position for all who apply.

Thank you for wanting to help make the Chicago Steampunk Exposition a great experience for all attendees.
Age *
Volunteers need to be 18 or older, no exceptions please.
Date of birth *
Steampunk Name
Legal Name *
First & Last Name
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Phone Type *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Emergency Contact *
Please provide name & phone number of your emergency contact
Reason you are volunteering: *
There are no wrong answers!
Friday *
Please check the time slot for which you are most available.
Saturday *
Please check the time slot for which you are most available.
Sunday *
Please check the time slot for which you are most available.
Areas of Interest *
Please check the departments for which you would like to be considered (please note that most opportunities are Room Monitors)
Experience *
What prior experience have you had volunteering at conventions?
Are you currently certified in CPR?
Qualifications *
What other qualifications do you feel would make you an asset to the Exposition?
Restrictions *
Do you have any physical restrictions or limitations that we need to be aware of while you are volunteering for the Exposition? Please explain below, or indicate that you do not have any restrictions or limitations.
Contact Consent *
Please check your agreement to the provisions listed below.
Background Check *
The safety and well-being of attendees, vendors, presenters, volunteers, and staff is our highest priority. As such, all staff & volunteers agree to submit to a 3rd party background check prior to acceptance to the Exposition Crew.
Drivers License or State ID Number *
Provide State/Number/Expiration Date. Example:  KY P14542448  11-04-2018
Orientation Requirements *
I understand that I must attend an orientation session prior to the Exposition in addition to my 12 hours volunteering for a weekend badge.
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