Capitan Municipal Schools Board Policy Questionnaire: J-3100/JICI Weapons in School
Dear Capitan Municipal Schools Community,

The policy below is currently under review for revision by the Capitan Municipal Schools Board of Education. The Board of Education is seeking your input regarding the definition of and consequences for a student possessing a firearm on campus. Specifically, the board is considering consequences for a student in possession of a firearm while on school property or at a school-sanctioned event. Please provide input by answering the following questions regarding firearms on school property or at school sanctioned events. Please complete this by Friday, September 13, 2024.

CORRECTION:  Due to a scheduling issue, the CMS Board of Education work session (community forum) to allow for input regarding CMS Board Policy J-3100/JICI: Weapons in School has been moved to Monday, September 16, 2024 at 5:00 PM.  We are re-opening the survey for staff, students and parents/community until Friday, September 13, 2024.  This work session will still be held in Traylor Gym.


No student shall carry or possess a weapon or simulated weapon on school premises without
authorization by a school administrator. No student shall use or threaten to use a weapon or
simulated weapon to disrupt any activity of the District.
Any employee who observes any person in possession of a weapon or simulated weapon on school
premises shall immediately report the matter to the school administrator. A school administrator
who observes or receives a report of a student possessing a weapon on school premises shall
immediately take appropriate safety and disciplinary actions in accordance with District policies
and shall immediately report a violation of this policy to a peace officer.
A student who violates this policy by carrying or possessing a firearm shall be placed in an
alternative education program for a period of not less than one (1) year, suspended for a period of
not less than one (1) year, or expelled and not be readmitted within a one (1)-year period, if
ever. The Superintendent may modify the one (1)-year duration of such disciplinary action on a
case- by-case basis.

A student who violates this policy by any means other than carrying or possessing a firearm shall
be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to expulsion. Disciplinary action
against a student with one (1) or more disabilities shall be applied on a case-by-case basis in
accordance with District policies and state and federal special education laws.

For the purposes of this policy:
•  Weapon means any of the following:
o A firearm.
o A knife, regardless of length of blade.
o A destructive device.
o A dangerous instrument.

•  Simulated weapon means an instrument displayed or represented as a weapon.

•  Firearm means any of the following:
o Any loaded or unloaded gun that will, that is designed to, or that may readily be converted to
expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.
o The frame or receiver of any such firearm.
o Any firearm muffler or silencer.
o Any explosive, incendiary, poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more
than four (4) ounces, missile having an explosive charge of more than one-fourth (1/4) ounce, mine,
or similar device.
o Any combination of parts that could be readily assembled to form a firearm.

•  Destructive device means:
o Any device other than a firearm that will, or is designed to, or may be readily converted to
expel a projectile by any means of propulsion, such as a BB/pellet gun, slingshot, bow, or
o Any collection of parts that could be readily assembled to form a destructive device.

•  Dangerous instrument means anything other than a firearm, knife, or destructive device that is
carried or possessed by a student for the purpose of being used or being available for use to cause
death or inflict serious physical injury.

•  School premises means the school, school grounds, school buses, or any premises, grounds, or
vehicles used for school purposes and includes premises where school- sponsored events (for
example, athletic games and competitions, music competitions, etc.) are held away from District

•  Deadly weapon means any weapon designed for lethal use, including a firearm.

Adopted: date of manual adoption

LEGAL REF: 22-5-4.7 NMSA (1978)
30-7-2.1 NMSA (1978) 
20 U.S.C. 7151

CROSS REF: JIC - Student Conduct
JIH - Interrogations, Searches, and Arrests 
JK - Student Discipline
JKD - Student Suspension/Expulsion
Email *
Name *
Email *
Do you agree with the definition of a Firearm as demonstrated in the policy? *
Do you believe a Firearm should be considered differently than other weapons such as a knife, a destructive device or dangerous weapons as illustrated in the policy?  *
Do you consider a Firearm more or less dangerous than other forms of deadly weapons (i.e. knives, bombs, slingshots, bows or crossbows) *
Do you believe that possession of a firearm should carry a mandatory minimum consequence of expulsion, not matter the findings or details of the situation (i.e., operability, threats made, possession of ammunition or other unique details of each case? *
Do you believe school-aged children who are expelled from the school setting but remain in the community, make a school environment more or less safe? *
Are you of the opinion that a full-time School Resource Officer (Law Enforcement) provides assurance of a safe school environment?

The District currently employs an School Resource Officer for 20 hours/week.
Please provide any other comments relating directly to CMS Board Policy J-3100/JICI Weapons in School *
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