July 2024 Holiday Camp @ King's College, Bangkok
Dear Parents,

Thank you for registering your interest for the July Holiday Camp taking place at King's College, Bangkok.

Please complete the information below. We will then confirm in a separate email as soon as the positions are available. A QR code will also be sent to make payment.

The camp will take place between Monday 1st and Friday 12th July 2024. You can register for either one week or both:

Please note accommodation is not available.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full name of child *
Preferred Name *
Gender *
Current School of Child *
Which City are you currently based in? *
Level of English *
Nationality *
Date of Birth of child *
Full name of parent *
Contact Number *
Which week are you registering for? *
Year Group *
T -Shirt size *
Main contact number (mobile phone) *
Does your son/daughter have any medical conditions? If yes, note below?
Does your son/daughter have any dietary requirements or food allergies? If yes, note below.
I accept that photographs of my son/daughter may be used for marketing purposes.
I accept to my child having medical treatment in the school medical centre, if required.
I agree to cover the costs of expenses incurred for emergency medical / dental treatment if required.
How did you learn about the camp? 
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