Parent/Community School Climate Survey
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Is there a language other than English spoken in your home?
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At the school, teachers and students get along really well.
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Students at the school help each other, even if they are not friends.
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Teachers and students treat each other with respect in the school.
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Students in the school treat each other with respect.
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The students in the school don't really care about each other.
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I feel safe at my school.
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The school is being ruined by bullies.
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The school is badly affected by crime and violence in the community.
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Gangs of students make the school dangerous.
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Crime and violence are major concerns at the school.
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The school fails to involve parents in most school events or activities.  
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At the school, it is difficult to overcome the cultural barriers between teachers and parents.
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Adults in the community support the school.
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Lots of parents come to events at the school.
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Adults in the community encourage youth to take school seriously.
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Adults in the community know what goes on inside schools.
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At school, decisions are made based on what is best for students.
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I trust the principal will keep his or her word.
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The principal and other leaders in this school make good decisions.
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The principal looks out for the personal welfare of school staff members.
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I am satisfied with my involvement with decision-making at this school.
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When students break rules, they are treated fairly.
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School staff members have a lot of informal opportunities to influence what happens here.
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The work rules at the school are fair.
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At the school, students are given a chance to help make decisions.
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Students are involved in helping to solve school problems.
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The principal asks students about their ideas.
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The teachers at this school are good at their jobs.
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Teachers here set high standards for themselves.
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In this school, staff members have a "can do" attitude.
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Teachers and school staff believe that all students can do good work.
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Teachers here are nice people.
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What do you like about our school?
What would you like to see changed or improved in our school?
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