Green Mountain Bike Club (GMBC) Ride Registration Form for Fall "Leaderless" Ride
Please NOTE: Although there is registration for these rides, no one is officially in charge of the "unofficial leaderless" rides. Therefore, it is possible that no one on the ride will be able to access this information in an emergency. Please plan accordingly.

If you feel sick on the day of the event, please do NOT participate in the day's ride.

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Full Name *
Phone: mobile preferred, otherwise best contact phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Which Unofficial leaderless ride are you signing up for today? *
Emergency contact phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
License plate number and state. If arriving by bike write "bike" *
Rider Waiver: Did you already sign the GMBC rider waiver for the 2023 season? If not, please sign it now before attending a ride. Only sign waiver ( ONCE per season. *
Are you a member of GMBC? You are not required to be a member in order to participate in our rides, however we encourage you to become a member to support riding in Chittenden County.
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