Service Learning at NYCBDA
High School, College students or Professionals who want to earn, work or mentor their service learning hours through NYCBDA in the many fields before committing or pursuing their next career or potential seekers!

For High School or College Students:
Updating or Following our tutorial materials.
Supporting NYCBDA Officials and/or Chairpersons through your skills and practices that will succeed as towards your graduation or or leading to your next postgraduate or new career.
Working with the Officials and/or Chairpersons to identify trends and resources.
Assisting with the preparation and distribution of weekly reports to all NYCBDA Officials and/or Chairpersons.
Assisting Coordinators with the Social Media
Assisting the Officials, Chairpersons or Committees on their events, workshops, activities created by NYCBDA members (in-person or via Zoom/Webinar).
Interactive with NBDA members and organizational members.

For Professionals/Trainers/Employers:
Contacting the Chairperson, and Coordinators with updated materials.
Supporting or mentoring our members through your expertise, and practices that will succeed as towards the process of hiring members or gain our volunteers for their next events.
Interactive with NBDA members and organizational members.

* Must be a self-starter and have strong interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills.
* Must be very responsive, and communicative with Officials, Chairpersons, and/or members.
* Proficiency in Deaf Multi-Cultures, Sign Language, ASL Interpreter practical.
* Proficiency in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint, YouTube, Social Media, knowledge of Solver, HTML, SQL, is a plus.

* Employers/Trainers/Professionals who are interested in mentoring, gain the volunteers of NYCBDA's service learning students in any field OR
* Students/Adults who are currently pursuing any career or an undergraduate degree or graduate studies in all fields or Deaf-related preferred.

*age minimum - 16 and up.

Students may apply one or two choices to pursue their dream career, job, volunteer, and much more!

NOTE:  If you don't have any answer, then please write "N/A" to skip!

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First Name *
Last Name
Name of  College/University or Employee place? *
Which year are you right now? *
How is your sign language skills today?? *
You are studying or seeking the training or mentoring in what?? *
Name of Professor / Instructor? Your Employer? *
Name of Professor/ Instructor's Email? Your Employer? *
How many service learning hours are you required or wanted to complete? *
What do you expect to achieve at the completion of your service learning experience at NYCBDA as student or as mentor? (300 words minimum or  YouTube link - less 3 minutes) *
What are your preferred hours? We have varies hours  up to 30 hours a month with members or visitors. *
First choice
Second choice
Third choice
Four choice
Would you like NYCBDA to assist with a mentorship opportunity? *
If Yes to mentorship opportunity: *
Are you interested to become one of a ZOOM or In Person or (BOTH) Hybrid committee: *
Captionist on Zoom *
Are you ready to become a NYCBDA service learning student or Mentor member today? *
For Service Learning Students ONLY: To become a service learning student at NYCBDA, I understand this, I will be eligible to next scholarship to win after 6 months service if I still am student or returning to school/training programs, today. *
What is the Date, today? *
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