Cognitive Science Transfer and Study Abroad Credit Approval Form
Please fill out this form for each transfer, study abroad, or summer course at another institution for each course which you would like to count towards your Cognitive Science major requirements.

After you have completed this form, your response will be emailed to you.  If you are a Barnard student, please forward that email to  If you are a Columbia student, please forward that email to Professor 
Brendan Fleig-Goldstein at  Important: please attach a PDF of the syllabus for the course to the email.

We'll have decisions on requests submitted by the first of each month by the first of the following month (so, for instance, if you submit the form and the syllabus by October 1, we'll have a decision for you by November 1).  Please note that your submission is not complete until we have received the syllabus.

Please only use this form for courses which you wish to count for the five area requirements (psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, linguistics, and mathematical and computational methods).  If you wish to count a course from another institution as an elective, then please include it among your other electives on the  Cognitive Science Specialization and Electives Approval Form and attach the syllabus as a PDF when you email that form to the program director for your school.    

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Email *
Last Name, First Name
Preferred Name
Anticipated degree date
Has your school (BC, CC, or GS) approved this course to towards your degree requirements?  
Course Institution
Course Number
Course Name
Course Semester
Course Instructor
Cognitive Science requirement to which you want to count this course
Please explain why you think this course should count towards this requirement
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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