健康共享計劃 - 「遊」「癒」遊戲意見問卷 Wellness Sharing Project - Play Box Questionnaire
香港遊樂場協會承蒙香港賽馬會新冠肺炎緊急援助基金於二零二二年三月起至六月推行​​健康共享計劃 - 「遊」「癒」遊戲(下稱計劃)給予全港中小學。此計劃為特定服務對象* 提供「遊」「癒」盒子及網上「健康資源共享平台」。欲想了解有關計劃詳情,歡迎致電 ​​2730 6698 / 6438 5237或電郵至 與本計劃社工齊超或李欣宜聯絡。
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姓名 Full Name *
所領取的盒子種類 *
現就讀學校 School Name *
就讀年級 Grade *
你從哪些途徑得知盒子資訊 How did you know about this project? *
多少名家人或朋友與你一同完成盒子任務 ? How many family members or friends playing the box together *
使用「盒子」後,你感到快樂。You feel happy after playing the box. *
使用「盒子」後,你增加對家人、同學及朋友的認識。You know more about your family, classmates and friends after playing the box. *
使用「盒子」後,你認識更多有關強身健體的資訊。You learn more information of enhancing physical wellness after playing the box. *
使用「盒子」後,你認識更多放鬆心情的資訊。You learn more information of relaxing yourself after playing the boxing. *
使用「盒子」後,你認識更多網絡健康的資訊。You learn more information of enhancing cyber wellness after playing the box. *
使用「盒子」後,你對網上學習更有信心。You have more confidence in online learning after playing the box. *
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