Moonbright Dating Sim Interest Form
Hey ya'll! Looking for interest regarding my in-production dating sim Moonbright! Currently in the early stages, but would love to get any input for those interested in collaborating or your preferences in these type of games in general! A good opportunity to share your skills, whether it be figure artist/BG artist, Voice Actor, etc!

Check more sneak peeks here:
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Your Name *
Username you go by as well as any socials attached to you
Are you looking to join the project or just play the game? *
As a collaborator - what are you most interested in doing?
As a collaborator, please share any portfolios you may have of your work! (ie art galleries, VA reels, etc)
As a potential player, what are some things you tend to lean towards with dating sims/visual novels? What do you prefer? What do you tend to avoid?
Thank you for your interest!
Your support means everything to me, and it's nice to interact with folks and hear from ya'll. Excited to get this off the ground and make some amazing stories with you all!
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