Bluesky NoAI List - False Positive Report
If you mistakenly ended up on the Bluesky NoAI list, which automatically finds and mutes AI users, you can unblock yourself here. Since the gigantic amount of AI generated content can only be effectively filtered by automations, these false positives can occur.

This is nothing personal and happens if you yourself came across one of the "Trendy" lists on the topic of #AiArt through a post that has AI reference. These Trendig lists lead primarily AI generated content, but if you rant critically about AI ( Which is good ) it can happen with many likes that these lists show you, then you get into the focus of the current list Scrapper. If at this time a NoAI is present in your profile bio, you will not be included in the list.

To report a false positive for yourself or someone you know, please use the form below and we will review the account as soon as possible. We are also currently adjusting the entire automation process.
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