4º ESO. Unit 3: Industrial Revolution
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1) The agricultural revolution in England... *
2) The Norfolk system consisted of... *
3) The enclosures were a consequence, among other things, of... *
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4) Read this text from Boulton to his friend Watt. What machine are they talking about? *
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5) The above text is a good example of the topic of the Industrial Revolution because... *
6) The steam engine adapted to the locomotive and the ship revolutionized the transport system. *
7) What sector was the first to become manufacturing or industrialized? *
8) The new economic models, based on large companies and factories and whose entrepreneurs seek to obtain the maximum profit with the minimum expense with total market freedom, are based on... *
9) What is the name of the labor protest movement that argued that the new machines were taking jobs away from the workers and, therefore, machines had to be destroyed? *
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10) What is the name of the movement that constituted the first large-scale joint action of the organized proletariat? *
11) According to Marx, what would be the next phase to the dictatorship of the proletariat? *
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12) What is the main thesis of anarchism? *
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13) Which anarchist thinker developed his idea of ​​mutual support based on how living things in nature collaborated? *
14) During the sessions of the First International, Marx and Bakunin... *
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15) What is a union? *
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