Booking Enquiry
If you are interested in a booking, please fill in the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

To talk to the bookings team about your preferences, please call 01923 723 819 (option 1) from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

***Booking Avilability Update***

We hope we can find you a date for your trip but we are extremely busy this year.

Sheldrake 3, which takes up to 35 passengers, has a few evenings in June and July then days available from October onwards. The only weekend days available are in November and December.

Our smaller boats, which take up to 12 passengers, have a few days available in the summer but plenty from September onwards.

Christmas festive trips are available on all boats in December

We are sorry, we cannot accept bookings within ONE MONTH of the proposed trip date - this is because it takes time to assemble  the all-volunteer crew for your trip.

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