Daily Health Check-in
Please complete this form:
1. AFTER using an at-home COVID-19 test
2. BEFORE traveling or arriving to the event site

For daily testing: complete EVERY MORNING throughout the summer school week.

If you have a positive COVID-19, or have been exposed, stay in your room (or at home) and contact Lisa Hunter at (831) 818-6678
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Email *
Your questionnaire responses: ISEE's director or program manager may review completed responses for the purpose of COVID-19 exposure notification or contact tracing. Responses will be purged after 60 days. If you have chronic conditions (e.g., migraines) and experience symptoms in this screening identical to your usual symptoms, do not report those into this questionnaire. Any deviation from your usual symptoms must be reported. After completing the questionnaire, you will receive a copy of your responses.
First and last name: *
Please select your participation role in AstroTech: *
1. Did you take an at-home COVID-19 rapid test today? *
If you answered "no," please take a COVID-19 rapid test before completing this questionnaire.
2. If yes, please select the answer that applies: *
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