Birmingham and Solihull bereavement by suicide survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are interested in hearing from you about how we can improve suicide bereavement support across Birmingham and Solihull. We currently offer a single point of access (SPOA) bereavement service that comprises of Cruse Bereavement Care Birmingham, Marie Curie and Solihull bereavement counselling. This service (SPOA) supports all forms of bereavement including suicide bereavement. In the list of services you will see Single Point Of Access (SPOA) and each service listed separately, this is to include responses from individuals who have accessed support in a range of different ways.

Please note that you will have the option to 'prefer not to say', and add 'other' for each question. We understand that this can be a very difficult subject to talk about, and get help for. We appreciate your help in understanding how we can provide more effective suicide bereavement support. Please note that the only information we will have access to is what you provide in this form. There are 13 questions in this survey and it should take no longer than 5-10 minutes.

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