School of Outdoor Adventure Re-Creation Reference
The applicant has applied to be a student within Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Bishop’s School of Outdoor Adventure Re-creation (SOAR). YWAM is an international, non-denominational Christian mission movement, & YWAM Bishop is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation based in Bishop, California, USA. Its purposes include training, challenging and channeling Christians to fulfill Christ’s command: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” This school is being conducted by Sea & Summit Expeditions (a ministry/dba of YWAM — Bishop). The primary purpose of the school is to train and deploy Christian outdoor adventure leaders around the world to safely & effectively minister God’s love in wilderness settings. Isaiah 52:7.
In order to make a wise evaluation of the applicant’s fitness for this school, it would be appreciated if you could supply the information requested below and submit it to us as soon as possible. We understand it is not always easy to answer some of the questions below. Please answer honestly & briefly, and be aware that you will have the opportunity to write more at the end if you feel it necessary. Take confidence that, in sharing any concerns, you will not, by yourself, keep this applicant from being accepted. We use a wide array of tools to make our acceptance decision, and we will follow up on any significant concerns that we have.
Thank you for valuing this applicant, and for taking the time to answer the below questions!