Solana Ecosystem Hiring Form

Solana Ecosystem companies- are you looking to grow your team? If so, you've made it to the right place! The Solana Foundation offers a number of services to help you attract top talent. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Hosting a careers page which includes all current hiring needs within the community ( This careers page is powered by Getro.
  • Facilitating referrals/introductions to candidates
  • Recruitment advisory services. (i.e. best practices for reaching out to candidates, setting up an interview process, putting a competitive offer package together, etc...).
  • Facilitating referrals to proven agency recruiters who can help intro you to top level talent (RaaS)
If you're interested in any or all of these services, please fill out the form below to give our team an idea of your hiring plans. From there we will get in touch with you for next steps!
Email *
Name: *
Company name: *
Company website: *
Company Type: *
I'm interested in (please select all that apply): *

What positions are you hiring for?

Are you hiring for Full Time or Contract roles? *

What are your Ideal locations for hiring talent? Please indicate if there are requirements for in office or remote work:

Next steps:
Thanks for taking the time to provide this information. Please submit this form and our team will be in contact with you shortly. 

Additional questions? Feel free to reach out to Matt Biagini (Head of Talent @ Solana Foundation). 
  • Email:
  • Telegram: @matthewbiagini
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