Mentorship Interest Survey

Thank you for your interest in serving as a mentor for the Vanderbilt University Coffee Equity Design Challenge and for taking the time to fill out this form. Your involvement in the CEDC is meaningful towards making the coffee sector more equitable for all of its members!

A brief overview of the mentorship programs is below, followed by the brief interest survey. You may also learn more here:

About CEDC Mentors:
Coffee Equity Design Challenge Mentors play an integral role in achieving the desired outcomes of the Coffee Equity Design Challenge. Mentors help guide students towards understanding how people and communities experience the problem we are collectively working to address. In addition, mentors possess insights into current solutions, both in the context of how they are working and how they are not. Last, mentors actively participate in student teams’ iterative design process, providing feedback and contributing ideas that lead to more meaningful, relevant interventions.

Through engaging with students and other mentors via guest lectures, workshops, symposia, and other programmatic events, mentors act as co-creators in the equity-centered design process and realize opportunities to broaden their professional networks and relationships in the global coffee sector.

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