Holy Spirit Farm Adoption Application
This form must be filled out in full before the adoption of an equine. The farm retains the right to disqualify you from adoption based upon the answers.
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Name and mailing address *
Email *
Phone number *
Address equine will be kept (reply 'same' if same as mailing address) *
Have you previously owned a horse, pony, or donkey? *
What is the average time period a horse should go between farrier visits? *
What are the signs of colic and what steps would you take if the vet could not be there immediately? *
Please list some good medications to always have on hand in the barn. *
If not boarding at a full care facility, have you located a hay provider? Please reply yes or no and provide a name. *
If not boarding at a full care facility, have you located a grain supplier? Please reply yes or no and provide a name. *
If not boarding at a facility with a vet, have you located a vet? Please reply yes or no, and if yes, provide a name and contact information. *
If not boarding at a facility with a farrier, have you located a farrier? Please reply yes or no, and if yes, provide a name and contact information. *
Please provide at least two (2) references with a phone number. At least one should be an equine care provider (veterinarian, farrier, dentist, etc.) if you have owned a horse before. Other good references include trainers, other boarders from the facility you are at, and equine friends.
Which equine(s) are you interested in adopting? *
Do you have a horse trailer or shipper to pick up the horse? Holy Spirit Farm can provide shipping if under an hour for a small fee. If over an hour, please talk to a representative of Holy Spirit Farm. *
Will the horse be field kept or will it have access to a stall? We are aware that some stalls are in an outdoor shed-row. In that case, please answer stall. If the horse has access to a run-in shed that will be it's main source of shelter. please provide field. *
Many of our horses have special or specific needs. If you have any questions based on the equine's needs or problems, feel free to ask here or contact a representative directly.
We are not against adopting a horse for training and resale. However, some horses will come with a right of first refusal depending on their condition. This should be marked on the information sheet. Would you be willing to sign a right of first refusal contract? *
Are you willing to sign a no kill and no auction contract? *
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