Buddy System Form 2021-2022
Hello! Please fill out this form if you would like to be matched with another undergraduate student to serve as your "buddy" in PHMN for this school year! This is a great way for you to get to know others in your major, pre-health field, etc. and we will try our best to match you with someone that meets your preferences! Most of our matches will consist of one upperclassmen paired with one underclassmen. Partaking in this does NOT mean that you will be unable to mentor a high schooler. This is simply a way for us to foster connections at the undergrad level. Reminder that once we hit 50 underclassmen and 50 upperclassmen in the program we will be closing the program for the semester, so it is first come, first serve. Please email us at phmnorg@gmail.com with any questions!
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Email *
Name *
What school do you currently attend? (ex: UIC, UIUC, LUC, etc.) *
Major *
What is the pre-health track you are currently pursuing? *
What year in college are you? *
For Juniors & Seniors ONLY please answer the following question: Are you interested in being a..
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Do you want to be matched with a specific person? If so, please list who (First & Last Name). Requests will be considered as much as possible given the person you request also fills out this form. *
Do you have any preferences you want us to consider in terms of what you would like in a buddy? *
What are your interests/hobbies? *
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