The Global Tea Survey
Join the Global Tea Survey, a simple 30-second survey!
For entry into the monthly prize draw to win my tea course for free, email with subject line PRIZE DRAW. (I do not collect email addresses for any marketing purposes)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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What age group do you fall under?
What tea(s) do you drink at the moment?
It might be "all of them!", but just select your top 5 most drank choices
Of those, which one do you drink the most?
As an average, how many cups of that tea do you drink per day?
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When do you most drink that tea?
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Of the one you drink most, do you add any of the following
Select any times you drink tea most
What's your main reason(s) for drinking tea?
Select up to 3 of your top reasons
Do you pay special attention to any of the following when purchasing tea?
Choose up to 3 of your top ones
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