Application For Effective Altruism Weekend Workshop at REACH
REACH is planning a weekend workshop in Berkeley for people who are looking for ways to be more involved with Effective Altruism and have more personal impact. The workshop will be held at the Berkeley REACH on May 18-19.

The first day of the workshop will consist of sessions on the basic tenets of EA, but will be mostly focused on discussing the ideas as a group rather than being lecture based. We will aim to keep these discussions accessible to people with minimal familiarity with EA by avoiding jargon/defining terms as needed. The facilitators will be people who have been thinking about how to have as much impact as possible fairly seriously for several years, but should not be considered as authorities on the topics. The people currently signed up as facilitators are Stardust (Berkeley REACH), Cody Wild (BERI/CHAI), and Rosie Campbell (CHAI).  Note that the non-REACH facilitators are participating in a personal capacity, not on behalf of their organization.

The second day will be focused on helping the individual participants find their comparative advantage and come up with steps toward having more positive impact on the world.

At the end of the second day (May 19th), we will have a social event to introduce the participants to highly motivated existing EAs in a variety of careers. This event will include lightning talks by both participants and guests.

This is the first time we’ve run something like this, so it will be somewhat experimental. We are relying on the community to help us identify candidates for this program who will approach it seriously. We want to start with a relatively small group (at most 10 participants) so depending on interest we may end up turning down or deferring some people who would likely be a good fit; we will keep those applicants in mind when planning future events.

We are committed to building a diverse community. There is evidence suggesting that underprivileged individuals tend to underestimate their abilities or discount the likelihood of being accepted into programs. We do not want the application process to dissuade potential candidates and we strongly encourage interested people to apply regardless of gender, orientation, race, ethnicity, nationality, or background.

The workshop will be free for participants, including meals.  We can also accommodate some participants at REACH overnight.  However, we do not have resources to cover travel expenses, so participants will need to be able to get to REACH on their own.

The application closes on May 1 at 11:59 pm.
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Are you available to be in Berkeley May 18 from 10am-6pm and May 19 10am-9pm?
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Please answer these questions thoroughly, but do not feel the need to write long essays. We aren't looking for any particular answers. We select applications based on clarity and evidence of thought.
What are your guiding values in life? Why?
What kind of impact would you like to have on the world? What causes would you like to support with your time and money? Why?
What is your current affiliation with Effective Altruism? *
What are you hoping to get out of the weekend? *
How did you hear about this program?
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If you have the info handy, can you tell us which friend or post you heard about this from? (links to specific posts appreciated!)
Anything else we should know?
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