Registration Train the Trainer Workshop on Wednesday March 29, 2017 1pm - 3pm EST
This is a FREE workshop provided by the Immigrant Defense Project in collaboration with the CLEAR (Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility) project at CUNY School of Law and The Center for Constitutional Rights.

Please register each individual who would like to attend in person or via livestream. This event will be at CUNY Law School at 2 Court Square, Long Island City, Queens, NY on March 29, 2017 from 1-3pm.

Please note that this event is not open to individuals whose job duties include prosecution on behalf of any government agency (local, state, or federal) in any type of proceeding (criminal, civil immigration, etc.). If you are unsure about whether this training is appropriate for you or you have any other questions, please email marie [at] immdefense [dot] org.

Registrants for the Live Stream will receive a link to the website where the event will stream immediately before the event. We regret that we cannot provide that link further ahead of time.
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I plan to attend (in person registration is full, please watch us via live stream!) *
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My role would best be described as...
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Please describe your area of practice.
Do you plan to give a know your rights training in the near future? *
If yes, what populations will you train (for example: community forum with undocumented adults, k-12 students/parents, members of mosque, church, etc.)?
Please let us know about specific questions or areas you hope that we address in our training.
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