ARRL Public Service Honor Roll
Use this form to your PSHR activity to your Section Manager who, in turn, will compile the reports and send them to ARRL HQ for listing in QST. 

This listing is to recognize those amateurs whose versatile public service performance during the month noted above qualifies them for the necessary point totals for PSHR in the each of six categories. Please note there exists a maximum point value allowed in some categories.
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1. Participation in a public service net
How many public service nets did you participate in this month?
These include ARES, NTS, RACES, and SKYWARN nets, as well as public service or emergency nets that are activated to support an actual emergency, potential emergency,  public-service event, or public service/emergency communications training.
1 point/max 40 points
2. Handling formal messages
How many formal messages handling points did you earn this month? 
Radiograms and ICS 213 handled over radio would count.
1 point for each message: 
  • Originated (accepting a message from a 3rd party to be sent from your station)
  • Sent
  • Received
  • Delivered (delivering a message received at your station to a 3rd party)
Unless the message is to you or from you, every message handled is probably worth 2 points.
max 40 Points
3. Serving in an ARRL-sponsored volunteer position
How many officially appointed ARRL-sponsored volunteer positions do you hold?
These include; Assistant District Emergency Coordinator, Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, Assistant Section Manager, District Emergency Coordinator, Emergency Coordinator, Local Government Liaison, Net Manager, Official Emergency Station, Official Observer, Official Observer Coordinator, Official Relay Station, Public Information Coordinator, Public Information Officer, Section Emergency Coordinator, Section Manager, Section Traffic Manager, State Government Liaison, Technical Coordinator, Technical Specialist, Section Manager, NTS Net Manager, TCC Director, TCC member, and NTS official or appointee above the Section level.
10 points/max 30 points
4. Public service communication event support
How many hours did you volunteer in support of public service this month?
This includes: participation in scheduled, short-term public service events such as walk-athons, bike-a-thons, parades, simulated emergency tests and related practice events as well as off-the-air meetings and coordination efforts with related emergency groups and served agencies.
This category recognizes the value of public safety communication events that Amateur Radio is often called to participate in. Points are gained by the amount of time that an Amateur Radio operator spends directly involved in operating the event. This also recognizes the value of off-the-air time it takes to meet with the organization or public service agency to plan and coordinate Amateur Radio involvement.
Time spent in group and one-on-one ARES/RACES meetings, phone calls, email, and group administrative duties (processing and maintaining ARES/RACES member records and planning/conducting member training, for example) all are part of the 'public service communication event support' definition and would count.

5 points per hour (or any portion thereof)/no limit.
5. Participation in an unplanned emergency response 
How many hours did you volunteer in support of unplanned emergency or incident response this month?
This includes; participation in an unplanned emergency response;
  • Amateur Radio operators on the scene
  • Participation in unplanned incident requests by public or served agencies
  • Operators directly involved in an actual emergency operation
  • Operators out in the field, in the shelter, at the emergency operations center, at the hospital, or other served agency's headquarters or their temporary command center
  • Active participation in supporting an unplanned incident when you are not be physically at the emergency scene
  • All participants such as net controllers, net liaison stations and other radio amateurs that supporting communications in an unplanned incident 
  • SKYWARN operators serving as weather spotters during an activation 
  • ARES members serving in shelters or providing support for damage assessment communications. 
5 points per hour (or any portion thereof)/no limit.
6. Providing and maintaining automated digital system, web site, or e-mail list server oriented toward Amateur Radio public service
How many digital systems/sites/lists did you provide or maintain this month?
Recognizes the efforts it takes to provide and maintain an automated digital system (like a packet bulletin board or a PACTOR system) that handles ARRL radiogram-formatted messages.
Recognizes the Web pages and e-mail list servers have become popular and effective ways to communicate news and information to the community of radio amateurs that are involved in emergency and public service communication operations and preparedness.
10 points each/no limit
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