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60SIFF23 - Submission Form
"The 60 Second International Film Festival is back after the COVID-19 pandemic, with in-person events. Our goal is to encourage filmmakers, content creators, and storytellers to showcase their talent by submitting 60-second films with an open theme. Come and join us for the coolest short film competition of 2023."
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First and Last Name
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Phone Number / Whatsapp
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State / Province
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Postal Address
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Filmmakers Bio
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Synopsis of a Film
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Link to the Film:
Upload your film on YouTube or Vimeo and share the link with us. Make sure it is downloadable. In case of password protected films, please share the password as well.
Your answer
Link to the Film's Poster:
Upload your film's poster on Dropbox/Drive and share the link below. (Facebook or any other image hosting website links will not be accepted).
Your answer
Device(s) Used:
Mention the medium or smartphone (along with its make & model) used in the making of your film.
Your answer
By submitting this film to the 60 Second Intl. Film Festival, I understand that the Festival has the right to screen this film at the 60SIFF platform and any collaborating festival or digital media or media.
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