SoTA Interpretability Hackathon - Application Form
The Society For Technological Advancement (SoTA) is organising a hackathon on the 18th and 19th of January 2025 focused on interpretable AI. As deep learning models become more powerful and more integrated into the machinery of civilisation, the need to understand why and how they work continues to grow.

More than just developing reliable and trustworthy systems, investigating the learned structure of deep neural networks presents an opportunity to gain unique insight into the nature of thinking itself. And unlike much of frontier AI research, extremely consequential work can be done on a laptop, without setting a thousand GPUs on fire.

This hackathon will bring together researchers, engineers, and other talented people who want to bring unusual perspectives to the problem of making interpretable machine learning a practical reality. The event will be based in London at the Entrepreneur First offices, and we are unable to support remote participants this time.
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Please tell us your name and a little about what you're working on. *
What's the thing you've done that you've most proud of? *
What will you build? This isn't binding, just tell us about some ideas you're interested in. *
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