Metadata Madness
A quick questionnaire about metadata creation techniques to help avoid madness.
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What is your role in the data life cycle? *
Although simplified, consider any creation of data, even a derived dataset, to be data production if the data may be used by another person...who therefore requires metadata.  A user, therefore, is someone who asks a question and can answer the question but does not further distribute actual data used in the question answering.  Graphics and maps, to me, do not require metadata beyond legends, titles, captions, scale bars, and maybe a discussion.  Production and distribution of maps is considered a data user.
How often do you write metadata? *
How often do you read metadata? *
How much time do you devote to metadata? *
What standards do you use? *
Keep it simple and ignore profiles for now.
What tools do you associate with metadata?
How did you learn about metadata?
Please select the option that was most useful to you
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To what level have you had to write metadata
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Have you ever been faced with last minute metadata?
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How many times have you had to write last minute metadata?
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If you had to put a value on metadata, what would it be?
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What is your favorite part of metadata?
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