Perceptions of Contract Farming
Hello, and thank you for agreeing to participate in this short survey. The purpose of this survey is to understand the experiences of contract farmers better. Topics will include family life, experiences farming, and relationships with the greater farming community. This survey will be completely anonymous, and no personal information will be collected. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Craig Watts ( or Meg Hicks ( Additionally, if you would be willing to do a short follow-up interview, please reach out to Meg Hicks ( These interviews will remain confidential, and no personal details will be shared. Your safety is our number one commitment.
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Please enter the state where you currently reside
Please enter the state where you would run your potential farming operation
How long have you been a farmer?
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If you were to become a contract farmer, what would you raise?
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Were your parents farmers?
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Are you married?
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Do you have children?
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How many children do you have?
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Which of the following best described your motivations for becoming a contract farmer? You can select multiple answers.
How did your family feel contract farming?
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Are you worried about going into debt with contract farming?
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Did you think you will make enough money from contract farming alone?
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Do you plan to have another form of income outside of contract farming to support yourself?
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Do you know any contract farmers?
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If yes, which best describes your relationship?
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What effect do you think contract farming would have on you and your family?
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Have you discussed with contract farmers what contract farming is like prior to signing your contract?
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Where did you initially find information on contract farming?
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Where do you see other farmers the most?
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How much money do you expect to make through contract farming yearly?
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What concerns do you have about contract farming?
How would you like the relationship to be between yourself and the integrators?
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What comments and suggestions do you have for this survey?
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