Emerge Project Lead Application Form
Please fill in all sections. Many of the questions are designed to help us get to know you and your suitability for this role.  Please say as much as you feel is relevant, being as concise as possible. In assessing applications, our short-listers will allocate scores to the evidence given in the application that you meet our key criteria, described in the Job Spec document. Email recruitment@emergeadvocacy.com if you have any questions
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Email *
Please tick the hospital project(s) you are applying for a role within
(If you are interested in more than one role, please contact us to check if you need to fill out another form)
Full Name *
Date of birth
Please tick to confirm you are 18 or over *
Address *
Phone number *
Please tell us what aspects of this role appeal most to you. *

What elements of this role might you find challenging and how would you envisage addressing these challenges?


What do you see as current, key issues facing young people which may lead them to experience emotional / mental health issues and how people can be a force for change?


Could you tell us what the term ‘confidentiality’ means in a youth work context and how we might explain it’s meaning to a young person.


What do you think it means to be a Christian youth work charity and how do you see this impacting our ethos and values and how would you represent these in the various parts of your role?


Please give us an example of your experience in report writing and presenting data, which tools did you use to do this?


Please could you tell us about your experience of leading others or supporting volunteers in a relevant context.


Please tell us how you fulfil the essential attributes identified for this role, giving examples where possible.


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