SURVEY - Exploring How Ombuds Build Relationships and Engage with Entities Across the Organization
Organizational ombuds are invited to participate in a 15 question, anonymous survey. There are multiple choice and open-ended questions. It should take about 15-20 minutes. 

Please respond no later than Friday, May 12, 2023 12:00 am (midnight) ET.  
We thank you in advance for your participation.

Donna Buehler and Liz Hill are co-authors for a chapter in International Ombuds Association (IOA)'s forthcoming Book, The Organizational Ombuds: Foundations, Fundamentals, and its Future.

Our chapter explores how ombuds build relationships and engage with entities* across the organization while abiding by IOA's Standards of Practice. This includes:
  • addressing visitor concerns,
  • inspiring trust in others,
  • meeting common goals,
  • making connections,
  • addressing systemic issues,
  • and promoting the office.
In addition, we aim to provide a framework to consider when determining whether or not to participate in organizational activities.

*The term entities includes individuals, units, departments, stakeholders, constituents, leaders, and anyone you work with, or consult with, across the organization.

We would like to know whom you connect with across the organization(s) that you serve to address and accomplish your objectives. For example: human resources, senior leaders, legal counsel, unions, etc.
  • How do you go about developing those relationships?
  • What type of activities do you engage in?
  • Why do you do it?
  • How do those efforts demonstrate the value of the Ombuds Office?
The co-authors will extrapolate data for the chapter and refer to common practices and themes in the aggregate. When relevant, anonymous comments may be included.

Co-authors contact information:  

Donna Buehler - (+1 631 632-9200)

Liz Hill - (+1 303-492-5077)
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1.  In what sector do you serve as an organizational ombuds? *
In Question 1, if you checked OTHER, please specify.
2.  Ombuds work alongside others while adhering to the IOA Standards of Practice, particularly independence and impartiality.

What word best describes meeting and working with the various entities* across an organization? For instance, in this survey we have used the word connect.

- What word do you use?

- How do you define the word?

*The term entities includes individuals, units, departments, stakeholders, constituents, leaders, and anyone you work with, or consult with, across the organization.
3.  Check up to up to five (5) entities* you most frequently connect with regarding your visitor(s) concerns.

*The term entities includes individuals, units, departments, stakeholders, constituents, leaders, and anyone you work with, or consult with,  across the organization.
In Question 3, if you checked OTHER, please specify.
4. Check up to five (5) entities* you most frequently connect with to accomplish goals/objectives that are not directly related to visitor concerns. (e.g., promoting ombuds office services, presentation/training, demonstrating the value of the ombuds office, etc.).

*The term entities includes individuals, units, departments, stakeholders, constituents, leaders, and anyone you work with, or consult with,  across the organization.
In Question 4, if you checked OTHER, please specify.
5.  In Questions 3 & 4, if you checked HUMAN RESOURCES, please check the specific area. Check all that apply. *
In Question 5, if you checked OTHER, please specify.
6. In Questions 3 & 4, if you checked STUDENT AFFAIRS, please check the specific area. Check all that apply. *
In Question 6, if you checked OTHER, please specify.
7. Check up to three (3) activities you most frequently engage in to connect with entities* across the organization.

*The term entities includes individuals, units, departments, stakeholders, constituents, leaders, and anyone you work with, or consult with,  across the organization.
In Question 7, if you checked OTHER, please specify.
8. Check up to five (5) most common outcomes you experience when engaging with entities* across your organization.

*The term entities includes individuals, units, departments, stakeholders, constituents, leaders, and anyone you work with, or consult with,  across the organization.
In Question 8, if you checked OTHER, please specify.
9.  Do the organization(s) within which you ombuds, encourage cross-functional relationships?*

*Cross-functional relationship is defined as individual teams or representatives from separate departments working together to achieve a common goal.
10. As ombuds, how do you build and maintain professional relationships with entities across the organization?  

*The term entities includes individuals, units, departments, stakeholders, constituents, leaders, and anyone you work with, or consult with, across the organization.

11.  As ombuds, when building and maintaining professional relationships across the organization, what characteristics of an individual contribute to the success of those relationships? 
12. In your ombuds role what activities do you engage in while abiding by the IOA Standards of Practiceparticularly independence and impartiality?  (You can refer to Question 7 or any other activities that you engage in.)

13. What activities would you refrain from in order to abide by the IOA Standards of Practice, particularly independence and impartiality?  (You can refer to Question 7 or any other activities that you engage in.)


14. Provide an example of a successful joint effort and what you believe contributed to its success.
15. Provide an example of a unsuccessful joint effort and what you believe contributed to its failure.
Feel free to add any comments, questions, or information relevant to the chapter topic.
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