15th Annual Timber Trot Registration
Monday, September 2, 2024  (last day of Labor Day Family Camp)

Check-in will begin at 7:00 a.m. You can register by submitting this registration form. Submit one form per person. Runners can also register throughout the retreat weekend up until the race begins. The Timber Trot begins at the entrance to Hidden Acres.

The Timber Trot will start for at 8:00 a.m. The route will be a 5K (3.1 mile) course that takes you through Hidden Acres' beautiful property. The course will be very similar to a cross country run, so you can expect to be on and off road throughout the race. Please know that you may encounter mud/wet areas along the course. This is a Run/Walk race so participants need not worry about their level of physical fitness. Simply enjoy the time and help us raise some funds!

The race will be run rain or shine. Be prepared to endure any weather condition.

Awards will be given to the top finishers in each division. Times will be kept at the finish line.

There will be refreshments at the end of the race for participants. If you are a Family Camp guest and are signed up for brunch that morning, the meal will be served in the Dining Hall from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 

Proceeds from the Timber Trot go into our general fund to help with camp operating costs.

The entry fee for the Timber Trot 5K Run/Walk is $25 per person. After submitting your registration form, you can pay by sending a check, calling in a debit/credit card, or paying upon arrival at Hidden Acres. Our mailing address for checks is 15th Annual Timber Trot, c/o Hidden Acres, 3837 Union Ave, Dayton, IA 50530. Our phone number to pay over the phone is 515-547-2751.

If you have any questions, contact the Hidden Acres office at 515-547-2751 or Ryan Graden at 515-231-2675.
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