Add a therapist or psychiatrist
Fill this form to suggest a new therapist or psychiatrist for the list on All About Berlin. This is a free service. You can also get listed in this list maintained by someone else.

All therapists and psychiatrists must...
  • physically meet their clients in Berlin
  • have a listing on Google Maps

To update a listing, update your listing on Google Maps. The information on All About Berlin should change shortly after.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is the name of your business? *
For example, "Dr. Max Mustermann" or "Praxis Mustermann"
What do you specialise in?
For example: "ADHD, cognitive behavioural therapy, childhood trauma". This information might appear in the listing. Use the existing descriptions for inspiration.
Do you accept public health insurance?
What is the URL of your Google Maps listing?
Your business details are automatically pulled from your Google Maps listing. When you update your listing, the information on All About Berlin will also be updated.

To get the URL, find your listing on Google Maps, and click the "Share" button.

If you have no Google Maps listing, your business will not be added. It's impossible to keep track of these businesses when they close or move elsewhere.
Which languages do the therapists speak? *
Only list the languages that you are comfortable using with your patients.
Do you work for this business? *
If you work for this business, I will save your email as the official contact.
What is your email address? *
If this is your business, I will use this email to contact you if I have questions.
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