JMRS ASMIRT CPD Q&A - Radiation Therapy - September 2021
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Continuing Professional Development Q&A - Radiation Therapy
Visualising the urethra for prostate radiotherapy planning
Richardson M, Skehan K, Wilton L, Sams J, Samuels J, Goodwin J, Greer P, Sridharan S, Martin J.
(2021) J Med Radiat Sci. 

1.  To facilitate high resolution multiplane viewing of MRI prostate images in a treatment planning system, the MRI sequences should be acquired with: *
1 point
2.  The 3D T2 SPACE (Sampling Perfection with Application optimised Contrast using different flip angle Evolution) series in this study had which Time to Repetition (TR) parameter? *
1 point
3.  Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) scores were used to assess urethra planning organ at risk volume (PRV) overlap between observers. DSC is reported as a number between 0 representing no spatial overlap and 1 representing perfect spatial overlap. What was the mean DSC for the 3D T2 SPACE series? *
1 point
4.  Which of the following describes the appearance of the urethra on a T2 weighted MRI sequence compared to the surrounding glandular tissue? *
1 point
5.  Which patient factor negatively impacts urethra visualisation on a 3D T2 SPACE series? *
1 point
Recommended further reading:
1. Rai R, Kumar S, Batumalai V, Elwadia D, Ohanessian L, Juresic E, et. al. The integration of MRI in radiation therapy: collaboration of radiographers and radiation therapists. J Med Radiat Sci 2017; 64(1): 61-68.

2. Das IJ, McGee KP, Tyagi N, Wang H. Role and future of MRI in radiation oncology. Br J Radiol 2019; 20180505.

3. Kerkmeijer LGW, Groen VH, Pos FJ, Haustermans K, Monninkhof EM, Smeenk RJ, et. al. Focal boost to the iIntraprostatic tumor in external beam radiotherapy for patients with localized prostate cancer: results from the FLAME randomized phase III trial. J Clin Oncol 2021; 39(7): 787-796.

This content was created in conjunction with the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT) CPD Program.
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