U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps Information Sheet ...
Purpose: To locate all members of the USCNC  (living and deceased) for HONORARY Veteran Status and to tell their stories to get legislative support.
By completing this information, I agree that the Cadet Nurse’s name and address may be given to Senators and Representatives to help pass the NEW Bills for honorary veteran status.
Senate Bill S997: The United States Cadet Nurse Corps Service Recognition Act
House Bill HR 2056: To recognize and honor the service of individuals who served in the United States Cadet Nurse Corps during WWII and for other purposes.  
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Full Name - First, Maiden, Married (such as Doris Bankes Kent) *
Full Name when enrolled in USCNC -First, Middle, Birth Last name (such as Doris J. Bankes) *
Date of Birth (month, date, year) *
Living or Deceased *
Cadet Nurse Address - Street, City, State, Zip Code (if deceased give most recent city and state) *
Cadet Nurse Phone number (such as 978-542-6600)
Contact Person’s information (someone who is or could act on behalf of the Cadet Nurse)        First & Last Name,   Steet Address, City,    State,    Zip code ,    phone number
Contact Person's relationship to Cadet Nurse
Cadet Nurse and/or Contact Person’s email (we need someone's email to send information  about the legislation) *
Full Name and State of Hospital Training Site (such as Salem Hospital, Salem, MA *
Full Name and Location of Senior Cadet Experience (such as McGuire Veterans Administration Hospital, Richmond, VA) *
Dates of service in USCNC (month and year enrolled and month year ended) *
What was the Cadet Nurse’s work experience as a Registered Nurses after the USCNC? (Please be as specific as possible: type of nursing, location of hospital, city & state) *
Total number of years working as a Registered  Nurse *
Please tell us anything else that was significant to this Cadet Nurse. Such as any memories of the Cadet Nurse experience or patients that she cared for, etc. When you enlisted and put on the Cadet Nurse uniform, did you feel that you were a part of the military war effort? *
Would the Cadet Nurse or her representatives (friend/family members) be willing to speak to local media about what it would mean to pass the NEW BILL and finally be honoroed as a Veteran of WWII? *
Do you have photos as a Cadet Nurse and/or a current photo? Please post them on Facebook page: Friends of the US Cadet Nurse Corps WWII and/or send them to: FriendsofUSCNC@gmail.com *
Would you like us to email you a copy of the Cadet Nurse's membership card which confirms enlistment in the USCNC? *
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