Captivate Media CC
Captivate Media CC is a Namibian born marketing company that specializes in clearing the path of products to finding their owners. It is our mandate to ensure that products find their owners on their desired platforms. 

In an effort to drive and promote our mandate, we have developed the Sales Marshall programme which comprises of three very important players: 
1. Products: All available products that may interest your clientele i.e beauty & fashion products, furniture, ornaments, vehicles, e.t.c. 
2. Customers: All parties interested in the products that you have access to as a Marshall. 
3. Sales Marshall: The Marshall is the link between the product and the customer. The Marshall's mandate is to find the customer for the product, by putting the product out there as much as possible and at the most convenient times.  

The commission to be made on each product will be directly influenced by the artist/manufacturer. Captivate Media CC commits to a minimum commission of 8% on a sale, with the potential to rise to as high as 20%. 

We welcome you to this very friendly form to apply for your Marshall rights. Successful Marshalls will be contacted with further instructions on the final application procedure. 

All the best in your new journey!
Name and Surname *
Preferred name/Social reference *
I.D No *
Phone number *
Email address *
Please create your Marshall code (e.g CM123) *
Town *
8 to 5 Activity
Salesmanship Resume *
Retailing areas of interests *
Preferred advertising plaforms *
Provide links/handles to your social media platforms/pages (i.e. Instagram: @sales_marshall.; Facebook: Sales Marshall) *
What communication platform do you prefer for the interaction with Captivate Media? *
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