CEE News/Event Submission Form
Request for addition of a news or event article in Congregation Emanu-El's newsletter.
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Submitter's Name and Email address (not for publication). *
Are you currently a member in good standing of Congregation Emanu-El (CEE)?
On behalf of which CEE committee are you submitting this news/event notice?
(Helps us to confirm approval for publication.)
This event is approved by...
By submitting this form, you agree to online publishing of the information you submit (except those fields marked "not for publication").  *
Note: Articles published in the CEE newsletter may be visible on the CEE News Blog, at our discretion. <congregationemanuelnews.wordpress.com> and the CEE website news feed <congregationemanuel.ca>.
Start date of the event (for live events only):
End date of the event (for live events only):
Start time of the event (for live events only):
End time of the event (for live events only):
Location of the event (for live events only):
Web or Zoom link for this news item/event, if applicable.
Include any special access instructions.
Contact info for the news item or event (if needed), for publication.
Note: Be cautious about publishing private email addresses or phone numbers. Contact the office if you would like them to handle incoming emails.
Title of news/event item. *
Give your item a short, explanatory title — subject to editing by newsletter editors.

Please write or paste the full event/news article description here.


Article Guidelines:

• Start with the most important information (within the first 50 words).

• Keep paragraphs short.

• If writing "Congregation Emanu-El," please spell it with a hyphen and 2 capital E’s.

• Use bulleted (or asterisked) lists when possible.

• Please use spell check, and ideally have someone else review your text before submitting.

(All text is subject to revision by the newsletter editors.)

Please confirm that you will be sending IMAGES by email to <newsletter@congregationemanuel.ca> after you have submitted this form.

Please include the title of your event as the subject of your email message, to avoid confusion.
Privacy declaration:
"I have received the express written permission of everyone whose face is visible in submitted image(s)."
Copyright declaration:
"I own the image(s) submitted, have permission from the copyright holder, or I have checked to make sure they are not subject to copyright protection."
Before submitting, please agree:
YOU WILL NOT request changes to your item after submitting it. That adds extra time and work for our already hard-working volunteers.
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