JUNIOR HIGH School Membership Registration 2024 - 2025
Please use proper capitalization.  The information entered will be used for printed programs.
Email *
I this a new email address that hasn't been added to the ArkCDA e-mailing list? *
Optional - Additional Email Address (will also be added to the ArkCDA mailing list)
School Name (No abbreviations) *
Region *
AAA Classification (NOTE:  ArkCDA Classifications are the same as the AAA Football Conference Classification for your school. If you have o football program, use the AAA Other Sports list.) *
Your First Name *
Last Name
School Mailing Address *
School City & Zip Code *
School Phone - Enter digits only (no formatting or spaces) *
Cell Phone -  Enter digits only (no formatting or spaces)
Best time to call
Number of years taught? (Completed years) *
Number of years taught in Arkansas? (Complete years) *
Reminder:  Fill out the SENIOR HIGH form if you are responsible for your Senior High School registration. Otherwise, move to Step 2 of the School Registration process - filling out the invoice and having an administrator sign to authorize your voting privileges. P.S. - Don't forget that eligibility must be uploaded by October 1st! *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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