Scavenger Hunt (Ages 7 and Younger)
Your mission is to explore the museum and complete this scavenger hunt. Visit the Gift Shop on your way out and show them your completed submission to earn a prize!
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Military Hangar: Find the F-100 A Super Sabre. This Super Sabre was built in 1953. How much older is it than you? *
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Civil Aviation Hangar: The VS-44’s average flight lasted 17 hours. How long was your drive to the museum? *
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Civil Aviation Hangar: Find the Bunce-Curtiss Pusher. Howard Bunce was 17 when he built this. If you could build anything, what would it be? *
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B-29 Hangar: Find the XF4U-4 Corsair. The Corsair flew over the Pacific Ocean. If you could fly, where would you go? *
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