Sign Up to Participate: 2024 Corporate Engagement Challenge
IEN’s Student Corporate Engagement Challenge is a first-of-its-kind student investment challenge in which students pitch an investment in a publicly-traded company, and include in that recommendation a shareholder engagement strategy focused on addressing inequality and the climate crisis, as they are systemic risks that threaten a healthy society, and in turn, healthy portfolio returns.

Students participating in the 2024 Challenge will build off of the inspiring real-world engagement work student teams initiated in previous years, and will continue to create outsized impact both on how their college or university endowment invests, and on the actions of corporations.

Learn more about the Challenge timeline, benefits, deliverables, and guidelines for participating teams here:

Note: This sign-up form will close on January 5, 2024.
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College/University Name: *
Name of Student Team Primary Contact: *
Email of Student Team Primary Contact: *
Please include here the name and email address of a faculty or staff point of contact at your college/university:
Is your team interested in working with an industry mentor? *
If you opt in, a benefit of participation is being matched with a mentor by IEN.
Does your team plan on attending educational workshops related to developing an investment recommendation and engagement strategy? *
If you opt in, a benefit of participation is free educational workshops (both a recorded library and live).
Please include here the names and email addresses of the addition members of your team:
If you do not yet know the exact additional members of your team, you will be asked to submit that information by January 8th. Teams must have no less than 2 and no more than 5 students. If more than 5 students at your institution are interested in participating, you are welcome to have more than one team submit an application to participate.
Do you agree to submit the names and email addresses of the addition members of your team by January 8th? *
Teams must have no less than 2 and no more than 5 students. If more than 5 students at your institution are interested in participating, you are welcome to have more than one team submit an application to participate.
Do you agree to meet all deadlines in regard to the Challenge  (below)? *
  • February 18th: Investment recommendation and engagement strategy one-page prospectus due.
  • March 24th: Written deliverables due. 
  • April 7th: Recorded oral presentations due.
  • Week of April 29th: Finals will take place & the winning teams will be announced.
Do you agree to provide a report to endowment stakeholders at your college/university, and ideally present the investment recommendation and engagement strategy and main takeaways from the challenge, and share outcomes of the meeting with IEN? *
Do you agree to provide feedback on the Challenge design and structure once the Challenge concludes? *
Do you consent to IEN sharing an overview of your investment recommendation and engagement strategy in marketing materials and additional components of our media strategy? *
In 250 words or less, please share why you are interested in participating in this year's Challenge:
If interested in providing context for your interest in participation, you may do so here.
By filling out this form, I formally sign-up to participate in the 2024 Corporate Engagement Challenge with 2-4 of my colleagues (listed above or confirmed by Jan 8th). In the event that more teams sign-up than IEN has the capacity to adequately offer mentorship and educational opportunities to, I understand teams will be selected to participate on a first-come first-served basis. With this in mind, participating teams will be announced the week of January 11th, and the submittal of this form is not a guarantee of participation. *
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